Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WA_Esperance to Denmark

The coastal drive from Esperance to Denmark was fantastic. The large coastal town of Albany was a great place to stay for a few days and travel the surrounding countryside. The National parks in the area have beautiful walks to hidden beaches and Albany has done a wonderful job converting the old whaling station to a tourist centre explaining the whaling industry with a whaling boat as part of the museum. Thank fully no more whales are hunted in our waters. The butchering of them was criminal.
Denmark is the home of the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk as well as having over one hundred kilometres of spectacular coastline and beautiful beaches, swimming holes and rock pools. The area has wineries, much local produce, art and craft galleries and to me the town itself has a very relaxed feel. A little hippyish maybe.
It is delightful driving through the area with the huge forests of Marri, Karri, Tingle and Jarrah trees. The smell radiating from the forest floor is so refreshing.
We walked above the trees on the tree top walk, at the highest part we are 40 metres above the ground and the tops of some of the trees were still towering above us. The walkway was swaying as we walked along it so I was very happy to get to the end. Back on the ground, there is boardwalk which meanders through a grove of tingle trees. Some of these are over four hundred years old and gigantic. Boy, if they could only talk.
Out to the coast we find the Elephant rocks and Greens Pool which are small sheltered coves, wonderful to swim in and stunning to look at. (Photo 3)
Next we are heading to the Margaret River area for a few days so we are looking forward to sampling a few wines.

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